A voyage of discovery

The journey to brilliant branding is every bit as important as the destination. Leaping straight into the design stage would mean missing out on the opportunity to view your business through a lens you wouldn't normally use. To think about your offer differently and describe it (out loud) to somebody else.

Your brand should perfectly reflect you and your business. However, unless you go through a proper discovery process, it probably won't.

At Valhalla, we don't just want to know what you do and how you do it. We also want to learn about your personality, what you value, and why you do what you do.

We want to discover the is-ness of your business.

By using the tried and tested Valhalla Discovery Process, you will gain a new-found clarity around how you think about and describe your business. And once completed, you will get a Brand Framing document that will formally capture that important, first part of the journey. Not only will you find this useful in its own right, but it will act as a map for the next stage...

...the creative stage!

Find out more about the Valhalla branding process here or hit the button below to start a no obligation conversation about steering your brand into the stratosphere.


How to make your brand land


Concept, colour & craftmanship - Branding's Greatest Hits!